GAEA | Incubation Phase Online, Europe


GAEA Phase 2 | Incubation Phase

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Tandeems Recycle

Tandeems Recycle

-, Latvia

Advertising & Marketing (AdTech)


Stockholm, Sweden

Environment & Energy (Greentech, Cleantech)
GreenGear Ltd.

GreenGear Ltd.

Misloc, Hungary

Environment & Energy (Greentech, Cleantech)
Crosswalk IQ

Crosswalk IQ

Patras, Greece

Environment & Energy (Greentech, Cleantech)
CHUM Tableware

CHUM Tableware

Sigulda, Latvia

Agrotech / Foodtech


ESPOO, Finland

Environment & Energy (Greentech, Cleantech)

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GAEA | Incubation Phase
GAEA | Incubation Phase Cohort: September 2024 - March 2025
GAEA | Phase I
GAEA | Phase I Cohort: May 2024 - July 2024

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