Crosswalk IQ Patras, Greece

Company Website:

Company Email:

Employees: 4

Funding State: Bootstrapped


  • Environment & Energy (Greentech, Cleantech)


  • Cloud Computing
  • Data Analytics - Big Data
  • Diagnostic/Imaging
  • Hardware
  • IoT
  • Other
  • Sensors
  • Software

Business Model

  • B2B
  • B2C
  • B2G

Revenue Model

  • Advertising
  • Commission Fee
  • Marketplace/Brokerage
  • Other
  • Price per Item

Funding Sources

  • Self

Your pitch & Vision

Making the cities safer and a welcoming environment to its people with smart crosswalks.


MISSION = The problem we want to reduce is the traffic accidents that happen around the city.

Solution & Product

MARKET NEED = Our idea have to do with smart crosswalks which will be installed inside the cities and provide a safer way to cross the streets.

Validation of Problem

SOLUTION = Smart crosswalks that will detect citizens that want to cross the street and immediately create a non permanent.

Competition & Competitive Advantage

IMPACT/CONTRIBUTION = Sweden and Cyprus crosswalk with permanent bump Dubai crosswalk with permanent bump and sensor lights Amco crosswalk with sensor lights but our idea has a crosswalk with non permanent , sensor lights and much more

Team & Why Us

Our team is concluded by 4 students 3 of them are university of Peloponnese in electrical and Computer engineering department And one is in University of Patras in Department of Science Management and Technology We are currently looking for angel seed and connections so here we are 😁


Making the cities safer and a welcoming environment to its people with smart crosswalks.


John Fournarakis
John Fournarakis, CMO
Chrysostomos Georgiadis
Chrysostomos Georgiadis, COO
Nick Loukopoulos
Nick Loukopoulos, Other




2024 - Services App4Athens - CrowdPolicy
2023 - Services Social Hackathon - CrowdPolicy
2023 - Services Smart Sterea Hackathon - CrowdPolicy
2023 - Services Entrepreneurship and Innovation Symposium - Univercity of Pelloponese
2023 - Services AWS Hackathon - Best Patras with Amazon
2023 - Services GreenTeck Hackathon - Mantis


2024 - Program App4Athens
2024 - Program Ennovation 2024



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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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