BonFom ESPOO, Finland

Company Website:

Company Email:

Employees: 5

Funding State: Bootstrapped


  • Environment & Energy (Greentech, Cleantech)


  • Cleantech
  • Other

Business Model

  • B2B

Revenue Model

  • Licencing
  • Price per Item

Funding Sources

  • Other
  • Self

Your pitch & Vision

Isn't it time we rethink our reliance on plastics and take a bold step towards a cleaner planet? Our vision is to pave the way for a sustainable future by revolutionizing the industry with biobased microplastic-free foams. Let's build a world where sustainability is the norm, not the exception.


Did you know the average person consumes 5 grams of microplastics weekly through water, food, and air? These particles are in everyday items like textiles, shoes, and furniture. This contamination is a critical opportunity for change. Goodbye polyurethane and EVA foams!

Solution & Product

Our innovative biobased foam matches the properties of PU and EVA foams but contains no microplastics. Perfect for various applications, our foam is an ideal replacement for plastic-based foams, including those used in shoe insoles.

Validation of Problem

Microplastics are major pollutants found in human blood, lungs, and throughout the body. Studies suggest that their long-term effects could be detrimental to human health.

Competition & Competitive Advantage

While existing technologies create biobased plastic foams, they don't eliminate microplastics. Our patented biofoam is 100% microplastic-free and can be mass-produced with readily available materials. Plus, it's customizable, allowing us to adjust softness, bounciness, and stiffness to suit various applications. This gives us a competitive edge in creating tailored, eco-friendly solutions.

Team & Why Us

Our multidisciplinary team comprises mechanical engineers, designers, and sustainable design students adept in product design, development, materials science, and production. Together, we're refining the recipe for producing bio-foam to meet the highest standards of innovation and sustainability.


BonFom – eco-friendly cellulose foams paving the way to a microplastic-free future.


Anmol Bhattarai
Anmol Bhattarai, CoFounder
Yukito Kodama
Yukito Kodama, CFO
Muhammad Taha Qureshi
Muhammad Taha Qureshi, CEO
Suraj  Magar
Suraj Magar, CTO







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