ZEOHUM Šarišské Dravce, Slovakia

Company Website:

Company Email: hromjak.michal@gmail.com

Employees: 0

Funding State: Pre-Seed


  • Environment & Energy (Greentech, Cleantech)


  • Cleantech

Business Model

  • B2B2C

Revenue Model

  • Price per Item

Funding Sources

  • Self

Your pitch & Vision

The vision consists in using natural substances zeolite ZeoCem and humic acids HUMAC, optimizing their exceptional properties and creating a range of natural products on a common basis for subsequent use in a wide variety of biological applications.


Currently, most problems are primarily associated with the presence of organic contaminants, heavy metals, radioactive substances, odors and toxic gases in the components of the environment, which then reach the entire food chain: water - soil - plants - animals - humans.

Solution & Product

Natural products on the common basis of zeolites ZeoCem and humic acids HUMAC are ideal carriers of various substances, elements, metals, including heavy metals, for a variety of biological applications, mainly due to their excellent sorption capabilities.

Validation of Problem

There are a number of methods for binding various substances and metals, but some have the disadvantage of high cost, binding inefficiency and possible effects on the environment and human health.

Competition & Competitive Advantage

The competition could be the company ZeoCem a.s. and HUMAC s.r.o. from which we would take natural substances and the main difference would be that we would focus on connecting these advantages that both natural substances offer and thus bring innovative solutions to the market in a wider area where the current trend of ecological solutions and interest in alternative natural products could be an opportunity for us to achieve considerable success in the market.

Team & Why Us

The team consists of the founder Ing. Michal Hromják, who was and is a student of co-founder prof. Ing. Bc. Tomáš Bakalár, PhD. at the Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies of the Technical University of Košice (Slovak Republic).


Characterization of selected natural substances for use in biological applications


Tomáš Bakalár
Tomáš Bakalár, CoFounder





