VoiD Malml, Sweden

Company Website:

Company Email: erik.kleremark@gmail.com

Employees: 0

Funding State: Bootstrapped


  • Environment & Energy (Greentech, Cleantech)


  • AI
  • Cleantech
  • IoT
  • Software

Business Model

  • B2B

Revenue Model

  • Licencing
  • Price per Use
  • SaaS
  • Subscription

Funding Sources

  • Self

Your pitch & Vision

My vision is to enable schools to reduce food waste so that the money being wasted can be spent on improving education. By doing this, we can teach students about healthy eating which will help them lead healthy & sustainable lives.


Currently there are billions of dollars being wasted on leftover food globally. This money could instead be used to hire more teachers and improve the overall quality of education.

Solution & Product

My proposed solution is to combine feedback and food waste data to find insights in how to reduce waste. Currently, students are not being involved enough when it comes to school food. By measuring waste and continuously collecting feedback from students we can find the right insights.

Validation of Problem

This is a pivot from a similar idea which focused on restaurants where I interviewed around 50 restaurants regarding the issue. With that information, I realized that larger kitchens have more waste.

Competition & Competitive Advantage

The closest competitors are companies like Winnow and Generation Waste. I believe my advantage mainly lies in the feedback & my network. The competitors are solely focused on measuring waste, which is important however combining waste data with feedback is what will be the differentiator when it comes to the quality of the insights.

Team & Why Us

I'm a graduated business developer with a broad network in the tech, business & food industries with a deep passion for food and education. I have several years of experience working with logistics in the food industry and have some experience working with purchasing as well.


Empowering schools to nourish students and reduce food waste





2023 - Services Circular Gastronomy Challenge


2023 - Program Minc



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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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