ThermoTEG Riga, Latvia

Company Website:

Company Email:

Employees: 3

Funding State: Bootstrapped


  • Environment & Energy (Greentech, Cleantech)


  • Cleantech
  • Hardware
  • IoT
  • Nanotech
  • Other
  • Sensors

Business Model

  • B2C

Revenue Model

  • Price per Item

Funding Sources

  • Other

Your pitch & Vision

A challenging startup explores the potential of organic-inorganic hybrid materials in thermoelectric and electronic hybrid technology. This innovative solution efficiently converts waste heat into electricity.


Powering remote systems when batteries and solar cells are not possible to use.

Solution & Product

Thermoelectric materials and devices harvest electricity directly from any heat source. The generated electricity can power remote sensors or the Internet of Things (IoT).

Validation of Problem

Advanced microelectronics and the Internet of Things make it possible to power electronics and sensors with a small amount of electrical energy. thermoelectric materials can power these systems.

Competition & Competitive Advantage

Hybrid Organic-inorganic thermoelectric technologies offer several competitive advantages over other thermoelectric technologies. Their flexibility makes them suitable for wearable devices and other flexible electronics. Additionally, they can be cheaper to produce and more sustainable, being made from abundant and non-toxic elements. The fabrication techniques for these materials are often more scalable, making them competitive in large-scale applications.

Team & Why Us

The team is uniquely positioned to contribute to the field of hybrid thermoelectric materials due to your strong academic background and expertise in Materials Science and Physics. With a PhD in Materials Science, brings a deep understanding of materials properties, synthesis Of hybrid Materials.


A startup explores the potential of organic-inorganic hybrid TE materials in power generation.


Inga Pudža
Inga Pudža, CoFounder
kaspars pudzs
kaspars pudzs, CoFounder





