The Box Thessaloniki, Ελλάδα

Company Website:

Company Email:

Employees: 0

Funding State: Bootstrapped


  • Other


  • Other

Business Model

  • B2B
  • B2C
  • C2C

Revenue Model

  • Marketplace/Brokerage
  • Other
  • Price per Item
  • Price per Use

Funding Sources

  • Other
  • Self

Your pitch & Vision

Redesign the future for the next generations. The goals -Sustainable environment -Healing the Earth -Happy people -Harmonious coexistence The method Redesign activities Organize available resources


Earth is flooded with garbage. Huge quantities of recyclable or other materials end up in landfills (often together with organic waste) or are not adequately utilized by existing management systems. Recycling bins accept limited types of items, which vary by region and confuse the citizens.

Solution & Product

Take care of everything before it becomes trash! Multipurpose space (Café-storage-shop-lab-school-gallery) Visitors/customers can offer, take, swap or buy, Recyclable materials Second-hand or new items Participate in special workshops/courses about fix, repair and upcycle.

Validation of Problem

Municipal solid waste generation predicted to increase appr70% by 2050 Reports shows that waste prevention could limit the costs, however, circular economy & sustainable practices, could lead to gain.

Competition & Competitive Advantage

There are many thrift stores, marketplaces, e-shops etc. in the market but they mainly focus at second hand sales or swap and donations. The Box is multipurpose circular economy meeting point, where people can socialize and have fun, meanwhile, they have opportunities to create, buy, sale, swap or donate whatever they want. They, also, have the chance to take special courses about upcycle, repair, fix and tips and tricks about zero waste life.

Team & Why Us

A Salonikidou Team leader, Generator of the idea• Fashion Designer V Rallis Μsc Strategic, Financial Management • Bsc Agriculture E Proikou MSc in Cultural Organisations Management, • BA Greek Philology, • Student Business Administration M Salonikidou RN, Msc Health Informatics S. Apostolidou BA Law


Association of Socioeconomic Network and Mutual Aid


Effrosyni Proikou
Effrosyni Proikou, Other
Vlasis Rallis
Vlasis Rallis, CFO
Maria  Salonikidou
Maria Salonikidou, Other
Sofia  Apostolidou
Sofia Apostolidou, Other







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