Sustainable Composting / Biogas and Energy Production for Climate Resilience Belgrade, Serbia

Company Website:

Company Email:

Employees: 1

Funding State: Bootstrapped


  • Agrotech / Foodtech


  • Other

Business Model

  • Other

Revenue Model

  • Price per Item

Funding Sources

  • Other

Your pitch & Vision

ND Consulting agency aims to design, develop a system that efficiently transfers waste from livestock farms or crop residues into heat energy to heating residential homes and production facilities. The project will reduce energy consumption and environmental impact by conventional heating methods.


Agriculture produces a lot of residues and if not used become waste and pollute water, soil and air. Residues from agriculture can be used in the production of thermal energy for use in the next stage of production and for heating, thereby reducing the costs of using oil, electricity or gas.

Solution & Product

Residues like as biomass, livestock manure will be used through process of combustion, anaerobic digestion or composting to produce thermal energy or bio-gas. Besides to achieved benefits it will be achieved reduction of cost for buying oil, gas, electricity and reduction pollution of water-air.

Validation of Problem

We have a lot of hot spots of pollutants from agricultural of water-air. On one side it will be full fill it EU Env.Directives and it will be strong positive impact in reduction of cost for energy.

Competition & Competitive Advantage

The competition is producers or sellers of oil, gas and electricity. On the other hand, farmers and processors of agricultural products have an economic interest in reducing costs for heating and hot water which they use in regular production. In addition, agriculture will benefit from avoiding potential waste and pollution and avoid potential penalties from environmental inspections.

Team & Why Us

The team consists of ND Consulting in charge of implementing the project, Ruza Association of Pepper Growers, University of Technology


ND Consulting agency, provides a range of services including supervision, engineering in agriculture








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