GRENSLA Patra, Greece

Company Website:

Company Email:

Employees: 2

Funding State: Bootstrapped


  • Environment & Energy (Greentech, Cleantech)


  • Other

Business Model

  • B2B
  • B2G

Revenue Model

  • Price per Item

Funding Sources

  • Self

Your pitch & Vision

Sustainability is a very crucial issue nowadays. Street lights, today, consume large amount of electricity, which isn't produced by rewenable sources. So, our idea is to design autonomous, smart street lights, powered by 2 rewenable sources.


- Need for CO2 emmisions reduction in the manufacturing sector - Need for electricity production by renewable sources - In remote and inaccessible areas, the installation of street lights, that are currently on the market, is difficult as they are connected to the local electrical network.

Solution & Product

We design sustainable, autonomous, custom street lights with smart sensors for streets and cities, that powered by solar and wind energy. We design based on the climate and weather conditions of each region. Also, we focus on the aesthetics of the final product, so to fit in the surrounding area.

Validation of Problem

The market size of street lights will be increased until 2030, 11.5$ billion. The need for more usage of renewable sources and decarbonization of manufacturing sector is urgent.

Competition & Competitive Advantage

Competitors: ALPHA311 (use only wind energy), Metsolar (use only solar energy), PHAETONS (use of wind and solar energy, but no focus to the aesthetic), Noratex (use only solar energy) We provide a full package of street lights (smart, autonomous, custom, sustainable and usage of 2 rewenable sources).

Team & Why Us

Our teamis consited by a student civil engineer and a student electrical engineer. We have the skills and knowledge to develop these products and become better through this project. We are dedicated to provide an innovative and sustainable approach to the street lighting manufacturing.


We design autonomous street lights with solar panels and wind turbines, for streets and cities.


Dimitris  Papanikolaou
Dimitris Papanikolaou, CoFounder





2024 - Program Mini accelarator, egg - Eurobank



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