EffiSynth Laszczki, Poland

Company Website:

Company Email: tomaszniedzicki@icloud.com

Employees: 2

Funding State: Bootstrapped


  • Environment & Energy (Greentech, Cleantech)


  • Other

Business Model

  • Other

Revenue Model

  • Price per Item

Funding Sources

  • Grant
  • Self

Your pitch & Vision

We aim to supply businesses and core elements of critical infrastructure, such as hospitals or military camps with FT reactors, which could be used to produce clean on-site fuel during times of crisis during which access to fuels could be greatly limited.


A big portion of Polish fuel resources are imported. If, by any cataclysm or armed conflict pipelines and ports would be cut, it would pose a serious threat to national security. In addition it could cripple critical infrastructure that relies heavily on fuel.

Solution & Product

Our solution is supplying FT reactors to places near big critical infrastructure centres, such as hospitals or military bases. This would mean that during shortages they could still supply fuel to trucks, ambulances or fire trucks when needed.

Validation of Problem

Critical infrastructure is exactly that: critical. Potential lack of fuel could mean that this type of infrastructure cannot function properly or, in the worst case scenario, shut down entirely.

Competition & Competitive Advantage

Most companies are trying to ensure energetic security by improving energy/fuel storage capacity. Our solution will do 2 things: it will help add fuel to reserves during shortage, prolonging their use and it will supply additional fuel one they are depleted.

Team & Why Us

Our team currently consists of 2 people: Me (Tomasz Niedzicki), and my friend (Oskar Kuźmik). We are both high school students in Poland. I have taken a role as a team representative, since I have good people skills and some business knowledge. My friend on the other hand is very technically gifted.


Our company aims to supply companies with means to produce fuel from waste.


Oskar Kuźmik
Oskar Kuźmik, CoFounder







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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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