E.S.H. Productions Riga, Latvia

Company Website:

Company Email: eshprod0@gmail.com

Employees: 1

Funding State: Bootstrapped


  • Logistics & Transportation


  • AI
  • Hardware
  • Robotics
  • Sensors
  • Web or Mobile Application

Business Model

  • B2B2C

Revenue Model

  • Commission Fee
  • Price per Use

Funding Sources

  • Self

Your pitch & Vision

Production of a rover and all of the according systems to autonomously deliver foods and goods. To adopt it to the weather conditions of northern and Baltic countries


Current problems in our region: 1) current speed of delivery 2) Cost of quick deliveries 3) Random time of arrival

Solution & Product

A rover capable of carrying 10-15 kg of useful load. Delivery system which doesn't need a sorting center, which makes it quicker for goods and packages. Eco-friendlier than trucks. Available 24/7. They just look cute.

Validation of Problem

Interviews with potential customers, potential partners and businesses that are focusing on providing logistic solutions are in process.

Competition & Competitive Advantage

Business strategy is to provide cheap deliveries focusing on a bigger market share. Aiming for 24/7 availability and working during the whole year

Team & Why Us

Currently the idea is being developed only by me - the creator of E.S.H. Productions. I have finished a bachelor's in mechanical engineering and also beginning to study for the business management. This makes me capable of building and programming the basic prototype.


Quick and autonomous to-door-delivery using rovers








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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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