DiProGer Plane Riga, Riga

Company Website: https://www.tsi.lv

Company Email: gercevs.i@tsi.lv

Employees: 100

Funding State: Pre-Seed


  • Other


  • 3D Printing
  • Drones
  • Hardware
  • Robotics
  • Software

Business Model

  • B2B
  • B2C

Revenue Model

  • Price per Item
  • Price per Use

Funding Sources

  • Grant

Your pitch & Vision

In today's world, we use a huge number of devices, and new models appear at an incredible rate. Old devices rest on the shelves or are thrown out, even though they still work.


A mobile phone – is a device that includes sufficiently powerful sensors, sufficiently powerful computing devices, a ready-made user interface, wireless and mobile communication systems.So, idea is to reuse mobile devices as the one of the main “core” for very cheap and simple drone.

Solution & Product

The main result that the authors of this project are striving for, is to produce and show the prototype, i.e. to show the real possibility of implementation and operation of this innovative type of drone-platform. Launch the drone-platform and complete the assigned task – is the goal of project.

Validation of Problem

Most smartphones have these functions, which means that creating a flying controller is just a matter of writing software that can link these sensors and use them to implement the flight algorithm.

Competition & Competitive Advantage

After all, in most cases, companies are trying to provide complete systems in a new state. Not additional poultices for devices. After all, in most cases, companies are trying to provide complete systems in a new state. Not additional poultices for devices. Our other difference is the idea of application and service. We will give the mobile device another added value. In the future, telecommunications companies (LMT, TELE2) that are looking for new businesses related to their services.

Team & Why Us

A group of students among whom there are specialists aimed at realizing their ideas and let you reuse things.


Transport and Communications Institute, supported a student project






2022 - Program Transport and telecommunication institute



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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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